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Moderator Permissions (test)

Lauren Kulwicki
Lauren Kulwicki Sprykee Posts: 2 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)

Act on a discussion or comment

You can moderate discussions and comments using the (…) menu to the right of that individual discussion or comment.

Aside for general tools like edit and delete, here are a few more actions you can take:

  • Announce - If you would like to announce a discussion so that it stays at the top of the recent discussion page and its category page, you can choose this option. You’ll see a tag showing this as an “announcement” too.
  • Sink - Discussions are organized by newest first, but if you would prefer for a recent discussion to not sit at the top of the page, you can use the Sink feature. While it doesn’t move the discussion to the bottom of the page, it keeps this discussion from being bumped up even if new comments are continually being added.
  • Close - This means no additional comments can be added to a discussion. The discussion itself is not removed but no one else can comment, and you’ll see a “closed” label appear after you have closed a discussion.
  • Move - Is a discussion a better fit for another category? Moderators can move a discussion from one category to another so that the community contents are better aligned with the correct topic and category. Simply click to select the new category to move it to.
    • Re-direct option: If you choose to leave a re-direct link, it will leave a comment in the original category with a redirect link to the updated category.


As a moderator, use these reactions if needed for comments and discussions.


  • Moderators have the added permission to promote the best posts in the community. If you click “promote” on someone’s post, they will receive an additional 5 points for their leaderboard count, instead of the typical 1 point for a reaction.


  • Use the flag icon to report a post that you deem inappropriate for the community. You have the option to warn the member already, or you can choose to report and it will be sent to the moderation queue for review.


Flagged content

If you’d like to view flagged content, head to Dashboard → Moderation → Content.

  • Flood control: We have set a threshold to limit the number of actions a user can take in a certain timeframe, to avoid spam.
  • Spam Queue: Lists any content that was flagged as spam. We can review each flagged item and decide if its spam or not.
  • Moderation Queue: Any posts that were filtered by our Keyword Blocker (i.e. containing forbidden words) is listed here for us to approve or delete.
  • Change Log: This list all posts that were either deleted or edited. We can restore or permanently delete a post.


This discussion has been closed.